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off-grid zonne-energie

Have you ever thought about where the electricity in your home comes from? Electricity is mostly generated from large power plants that burn coal or similar fossil fuels to make power. However, did you know we can power our own electricity using sunshine? This would allow you to live completely off of the grid, where we all know you do NOT need to rely on those pesky power lines and money hungry companies!

There are a couple of key things to going off-grid. The first thing is the solar panels or photovoltaic cells which are devices that convert light directly into electricity. You must then have a charge controller. And this device controls the energy you are using and storing. You will also need a battery bank to store energy you colllect from the sun for later use. Finally, how can we use this electricity in our homes without an inveter to take the DC power from your solar panels and make it AC (alternating current) power?

Advantages of Off-Grid Solar Power

A great bonus of becoming off-grid with solar power is that it can save you money down the road. This might sound like a lot of money to purchase solar panels and all the gear you require upfront, but in reality it can be much recovered long term. This is because this will be the last case when you make a payment of power to a company that produces it if not every month.

Solar power allows you to go off the grid, and if life with no blackouts or outages then everythingGENOFFGRID will show how. A power grid failing would not affect solar as, even when cloudy or at night, the battery will keep your panels running. This can be a real life saver to help you avoid getting stuck out in the dark, especially during emergencies such as storms or natural disasters when the power might go off.

Why choose Inki off grid solar?

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