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micro inverter solar

You might visualize an object you call the sun: a large yellow circle at the top of your environment. The sun gives us warmth, tall and strong flowers. However, have you ever heard that the sun could provide power to our houses and schools? Yes, it’s true! Solar panels, which capture energy from sun and convert into electricity we use in our day to day lifestyle. Then came a new technology, called "micro inverters" that allowed solar power to be the best it has ever been.

If your solar system has this inverter then everyone is equipped with their personal little helping hand, a micro. It is designed to convert the energy of sun into an electricity level we can use for our work. As the micro inverters are wise, and they also work far better than other invertors. This means more electricity from your solar panels if you have micro inverters which can save some money on your energy bills every month. Each solar panel has its own small assistant that helps it be the best worker of them all!

    A Game-Changer in Solar Panel Systems

    Inverters Get Smarter (and Cheaper) Before micro inverters were available, string inverters was used more often in solar panel systems. These string inverters are huge boxes that regulate a number of solar panels in its entirety. But there lies a problem with this kind of system. When a single solar panel becomes dirty, or when half of them are hidden by the shade caused from trees and buildings situated at different places on your land then everything fails to function properly. It's sort of like being in a class where if one student doesn't do their homework, the entire class can fail. With micro inverters it is like each solar panel as its own student, who can do well and score high independently of what others are doing. That way, if one panel is slightly underperforming it does not effect all the others.

    Further Reference : Micro-inverters can send system updates about your solar energy directly to your computer or smartphone. So you can understand how much energy you are producing and consuming at any given point. It is pretty much the equivalent of having an app tailor-designed to monitor your energy!

    Why choose Inki micro inverter solar?

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