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solar module

Solar panels are sort of like magic boxes that let us capture the sun's power to make electricity. These are constructed from tiny components referred to as solar cells. This electricity is produced by solar cells, which gather sunlight and turn it into electric power that we can use to light up our homes or offices, watch TV with, charge phones & tablets/ etc. We all need to understand the significance of solar modules as they save our energy bills and protect this environment from air pollution.

A solar module actually consists of a lot of small solar cells (just like tiny batteries) which are able to generate power when sunlight hits them. Think of each solar cell as a tiny worker which goes to work when the sun is shining. Each cell is protected from the rain, wind and anything else which might damage it by using a layer of toughened glass or plastic. This outer layer if very crucial to the life span of a solar cell. Wires connect all the solar cells so that they work together to make a single current, and then carry it out of the panel (usually through some sort of strong plastic or glassy material), where an inverter device changes its form. The inverter acts like a translator: it converts the electricity from solar cells and turns this into something we can use to power our homes, offices.

Installing a Solar Module

You should be looking for good place if you are going to install such solar module. Solar panels have to be up where there is sun nearly all day long. Your roof if you have a house or your garden if you happen to own an expansive back yard. The chosen spot must be an area from where the sunlight is blocked by few trees or objects. After you isolate the penultimate spot, next step is to fit or fasten your solar module securely on a roof/ground. It can be a difficult thing for us little people to do, so I also suggest you have the help of an adult. They can ensure that everything is safe and properly installed.

Why choose Inki solar module?

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